In 4 steps to more order in your fridge

Is there a long-expired pack of yoghurt vegetating in the farthest corner of your fridge? Do you constantly have to throw away vegetables because they go bad so quickly and you regularly lose track of the food in your fridge? Then it's high time to organize your fridge. Eliminate food waste, save money and redesign your fridge in just 4 steps!

1 - Deep cleaning of your fridge

The best time to clean out your fridge is before your next purchase. Because then it is usually quite empty and you get a precise overview of which groceries you already have in stock.

First, you should clear out all the produce in your fridge, without exception. Pay attention to which products can be sorted out because they are spoiled, for example.

Now you have the chance to clean your fridge from top to bottom. A hygienic refrigerator not only gives you a better feeling, but also prevents food from going bad faster due to bacteria or unpleasant odors from developing. Clean all pull-outs, shelves and compartments with warm water and dish soap. You can also wipe the door seals with a damp cloth and, if you get the chance, vacuum the metal grid on the back and clean the condensation drain. To do this, we recommend that you switch off the refrigerator and unplug it as a precaution. Is your fridge iced up in some places? Then you can now let it defrost in peace while you move on to the next step.

Uporządkowana lodówka
Uporządkowana lodówka

2 - Divide the subjects into categories

Now the organization begins! So think about which categories and where you want to sort the food before you put it away again. Does your fridge have different cold zones? Then be sure to take this into account in your project to keep all products fresh for as long as possible.

  • Fridge Door: One of the warmest parts of the fridge is the best place to store eggs, butter, instant sauces, dips, and drinks.
  • Upper area: Heat is known to rise upwards. This is why you can store long-lasting foods such as pickles or jam here. But there is also room for leftovers from the day before if you eat them promptly.
  • Medium range: An optimal temperature of 5°C and the comfortable height are perfect for dairy products, opened preserves and cold cuts.
  • Lower section: It is coldest at the bottom of the refrigerator, which is why you should store fish and meat here. However, make sure to always separate them from other foods for hygienic reasons.
  • Vegetable compartment: As the name suggests, you can store vegetables optimally here. But not all types of fruit and vegetables tolerate the cold – it is better not to store exotic fruits and watery types of vegetables in the refrigerator.

You can also organize the groceries by categories such as breakfast, snacks or frequent use. The most important thing: set up your fridge according to your personal living conditions and needs - only you know what works best for you!

Storage boxes - longer durability and more order

You can use storage boxes so that the products in the individual categories are not thrown together again after a day. The compartments are divided into further smaller compartments. Which boxes are the best for this? It all depends on what kind of food you want to store in them.

There are special containers for fruit and vegetables that make them last longer. Because they filter out the gas ethylene, which is responsible for the ripening process, and ensure optimal humidity. You can protect cheese and cold cuts from drying out with lockable boxes and closed food is best kept in open boxes so that you can grab it quickly. With all fridge boxes, however, you should always make sure that they are free of BPA and pollutants - only then are they suitable for food. It also helps to choose transparent material, so the content is immediately apparent.

A tip if you want to set the breakfast table particularly quickly: keep everything you need for a delicious breakfast in one box. So you can take cold cuts, cream cheese and jam together in the box from the fridge and put them back in order later. You can do the same with the sauces for the barbecue or the snacks for your children, for example.

Pudełka przedłużające świeżość warzyw i owoców
Pudełka przedłużające świeżość warzyw i owoców

3 - Sort the groceries back into place

Sort your groceries in such a way that older products don't disappear behind the newest ones and you forget them there. Put new foods at the back and those that are about to expire at the front. Another or additional option: put all food that is already open or that needs to be eaten soon in an extra compartment or container. The aim is to avoid wasting food and thus wasting money as much as possible.

Do you live with your family, with your partner or in a flat share? You can label the boxes and compartments with the names of the categories so that the other members of the household can find everything in the fridge and sort it correctly.

Organizery do lodówki
Organizery do lodówki

4 - Check your fridge regularly

Humans are creatures of habit - you or others in your household will not always make sure that everything is sorted correctly and according to the new conditions in the refrigerator. Therefore, once a week, for example before you go shopping, take 5 minutes to put things back in order. This also gives you an overview of which groceries you no longer have to buy and you don’t end up with too much in your fridge.

You should also clean the inside of the refrigerator once a month to prevent the spread of germs. If you keep your groceries in different boxes, it is particularly easy to clear them out every now and then to wipe out the fridge.

Plastikowe pudełka i organizery do lodówki
Plastikowe pudełka i organizery do lodówki