FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I install the app?
How do I update the app?
How do I create an account?
How do I reset my password?
Getting Started
How do I create a new collection?
What is a collection on Appmybox?
How can I add a box?
What is the difference between a box and an item?
How do I add an item?
How can I enter more information?
Can I create an unlimited number of boxes and items in the app?
Additional functions
How do I find a collection/box/item?
I have another product that looks like a Rotho product. Can I still get a QR code for it?
Where can I find my account settings?
How can I filter specific items/boxes?
Can I share my collections with others?
Can I add an image of my collection/box/item?
My product does not have a QR code. What can I do?
I need more boxes. Where can I get new boxes?
What happens if I delete my account?
Where is my data stored?
App Usage
What is a collection in Appmybox?
How do I create a new collection?
How do I add a box?
How do I add an item?
What is the difference between a box and an item in Appmybox?
How can I filter out specific items/boxes?
How do I find a collection, box or item?
I have another product that looks like a Rotho product. Can I still get a QR code for it?
Can I share my collection with others?
Can I add an image of my collection, box or item?
How can I enter more information?
How do I reset my password?
How do I update the app?
How do I delete my account?